Thursday, February 18, 2010


Tomorrow, I am embarking on an inward journey. I am fasting. For a woman who loves to eat, refraining from eating seems like walking through a hot desert without water, shoes, juicy fruit, clothes and a companion. I feel famished and thirsty even thinking about fasting. There are many types of fasts. One can fast on juices or fruits. One can fast on pure plain water. One can fast on air. I am going to take the water and fruit approach. Fasting cleanses the body and mind and heightens our awareness to the natural rhythms of nature. We are more attuned to the forces around us.

I never fast. I am a bit scared of fasting simply because I do not know if I can to endure hunger pains. Sounds weak, huh? That is precisely why I must fast. If I am going to have a baby one day, I better be able to fight hunger pains. If I plan to push a head the size of a bowling ball out of a hole the size of a quarter, you best believe I must learn to fast. I am a strong woman. I am a determined woman. I can live one day on just pure water. The power of the universe resides within me! Yes, those are positive affirmations. Whatever it takes to accomplish my mission. I need all the help I can get. I seek to be like Gandhi and not eat until the task in completed. God, help me! Tomorrow is the day. For any soul out there reading my desolate blog, send your energy my way, and I will send my energy to you. Love be with me. (I think I just saw some tumbleweed roll over my blog.)

The reason I am fasting is because my tongue is coated a light brown. I looked in the mirror and said, "nasty." That indicates internal heat, dryness and toxins in my body. I am holding on to toxins. I eat healthy everyday. But, I was eating too much healthy food. I was not giving my body enough time in between meals to digest the previous meal. My digestive fire is weak. I can't help it though because my cooking is amazing. Ok, I'm not gonna lie, my Mother is home cooking up a storm. How can I resist fresh, healthy vegetarian cooking made with love?! I mean, saying her food is, "the bomb" is an understatement. Each bite is like nuclear fission, exploding with succulent flavors and juices.

I need to remember that Our Creator is our sustainer. Our Creator resides in every breath of air. Every time I breath, He enters me, and every cell in my body, and gives me life. When I learn to appreciate air and pure water the way I appreciate Masala Dosa (yummmy), I will be well on my way to Enlightenment.

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