Thursday, April 8, 2010

20 Day Vedic Challenge

Join me on my 20-Day Challenge to live a healthier, happier Vedic life. Veda is a Sanskrit word meaning truth and knowledge. These next 20 days, I am journeying inward to find my Truth. The Truth is the universal energy resides within me.

The Vedas preach that we must live in harmony with nature. Just like the sun rises and falls consistently, and without fail, we too must find our own rhythm in life. When we start living in harmony with our life-giving Mother Nature, we will begin to understand Her secrets of creation. Our internal nature resonates with the external nature. When the earth is parched because of strong summer sunrays, our skin too becomes dry, brittle and dehydrated. When nature is in havoc (earthquakes), we too are in havoc. We are connected to Her on every level. This principle of harmonious living is ever so important in modern times because mankind has forgotten how to live respecting Mother Nature. In fast times, it seems easier to microwave a dinner as opposed to cooking a healthy meal with fresh vegetables; it is easier to wake up to a blaring alarm clock, then awaking naturally to chirping birds.

I find myself most happy in India at an ashram or in the Himalayas surrounded by trees. Why? Because, life is simple. My mind and body are forced to live in accordance with Nature's Laws. I desire the same peace and happiness I have experienced in India, and want it daily in Los Angeles. Although India and Los Angeles are worlds apart, peace is right here within me. I want my peace when an anxious driver cuts me off on the 10 Freeway. I want my peace in a city that values Prada shoes over bare feet sinking its toes into dewy grass. I want my peace, even if I lose the man I love. Life is transient. The only thing I have control over is my inner peace. These next 20 days, I search for my Truth, my peace. Please join me. Choose any goal or challenge that you want to accomplish and share them in the comments section. A friend of mine is taking out red meat from her diet and is exercising 3 times a week. Another friend is waking up at 6am and cooking one healthy Ayurvedic meal a day. You can join me by doing the same challenge as me, or creating your own challenge. Joining others when undertaking a challenge is helpful because you gain the strength and encouragement of the group. Join us! My start date is Saturday April 10th, 2009, but you can start when the timing is right for you.

I have chosen four goals based on the spiritual teachings of Sivananda. I am dedicating 20 days to accomplishing these 4 principles. Everyday I will:

1. Brahmanuhurta: Be in bed by 10 and awake up at 5:00 a.m. Offer some prayers for 10 minutes and then sit for study. This is the best time for study, as the mind is fresh.
2. Exercise: 30 minutes of yoga. Do various yoga asanas to increase intellect, strength and willpower. SuryaNamaskar, inversions, sirshasana, Halasana, Sarvangsana (shoulder stand), warrior, and other various stretches.
3. Japa: One Mala (108)
4. Diet: Cook and eat one fresh healthy meal a day. Take my vitamins and Ayurvedic herbs.


  1. This is great, Sheetal, thanks for sharing your challenge! My goal is to accomplish something every day that aligns my daily life with my dharma -- bringing the long term vision and purpose of my life into the moment.

  2. Thanks for joining, are supporting. =) These small challenges have helped me so much in life. They kind of give you a boost to change old habits, and develop a stronger character. In Sanskrit, these "challenges" are called Niyams. Niyams serve several purposes. They help one find routine. A routine is a type of rhythm. When we are in living life in a rhythm, we are better able to tune into and harmonize with the rhythms in nature. Niyams help center our lives on a specific focus. Our focus is Dharma or attaining self-realization. When we begin incorporating Niyams that serve to awaken the soul, we begin to live life circling Truth. Ultimately, the goal is to realize our Truth. This is the purpose of Niyams, or this 20-day challenge. Each niyam is one step closer to realizing that the creator and his creation are one. Love, peace, strength and awakening to you Karen!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, this challenge has been difficult. I realize that although I want to be in tune with the rhythm around me, I must also listen to my body. My body has been exhausted in the last couple of days from studying for my exams. I gave myself a break and woke up later then my set goals, but I told myself when I feel better, I must continue on my journey. Yesterday I stayed up till 3 am studying. Although my niyam is to be asleep by 10 pm, I allowed myself to study with a friend because I felt I was being productive and my mind was sharp at the late hour. Even during my undergraduate studies, I felt something was especially calming and focusing about these hours. I hope I do not become accustomed to staying up late. Rather, I hope to wake up earlier to enjoy the silence of earlier morning. I am doing the mala every night in bed. I enjoy this process because it helps me center myself and review my actions of the day before I sleep. It helps shines a light on the wrongs and rights I have committed in the day. I am very grateful for this lesson in life. I also enjoy the yoga and meditation in the morning. I will admit however, it has been difficult doing yoga everyday because of my studies. Also, I have taken caffeine 3 times this week because of studying. Perhaps I am making too much of a drastic shift? I think I may have to adjust my goal. I will update with my adjusted goals soon. Thank you Mother Nature, for your guidance, love, and support. I love you.

  5. So happy to find your blog and twitter account :)

    I hope you got the best out of this 20 days challenge... so inspiring, especially the early sleep-early wake. That's smth I want so much to do.

    Sarvangasana is my top asana in Iyengar yoga! :)
