Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eat According to the Season

Mother Nature provides us, Her creation, with the nutrition to sustain our bodies in each season.  We are intimately linked to our environment.  In the age of computers and processed foods, we have lost connection with Nature.  Most people do not have a garden where they pick fresh food.  We walk around with a shopping cart in the supermarket, and throw in fruits and veggies (and boxes of prepackaged foods) without any consideration to the season.  It is important to become conscious and able to identify what Nature provides in each season.

Why is it important to eat according to the season? Health. In each season distinct fruits and veggies grow to nourish our bodies. The food Nature provides, helps us adapt to the changing environment.  The goal of Ayurveda is to be in Harmony with Nature, because it promotes health and evolution. In spring sprouts leafy greens, that help scrape away the fat accumulated from winter.  In summer grows juicy fruits and veggies to keep the body hydrated.  In autumn, the trees begin to shed their leaves, and it is a good time for warm foods like stews and vegetable soups.  In Winter, our internal Agni, digestive fire, is strongest. This is the time to eat heavy, creamy, high-protein and unctuous foods like nuts, mung beans, oils, wheat, potatoes, and meats.

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