Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"What is Nature, if not a grand university?"

The Great Yogi Yogeshwari, said “What is Nature, if not a grand university?”  Nature is our teacher. We are all made up of the same elements as in Nature. Earth is our body, water is the blood in our veins, fire is the heat in our body, air is our breath, and ether is the space in our atoms. When we lose connection with nature, we lose connection with our self. We come from her and must connect with her.
Many times the blocks in our lives are the workings of our own minds.  When you change your thinking, you change your energy or what you put out into the universe.  When you put out positive messages and visualize success that is exactly what you will attract.  Training in and studying Nature helps you understand this principle.  

Azadi Fitness - Sheetal connecting with nature.We learn so much by studying the simple blossom of a rose, or studying the growth of a tree. Like a rose we come into this world for a short time, and then we have to go back into the earth from which we came. We should strive to be a rose and share our beauty, grace, feed others nectar, and give inspiration and love to all. 

Training in nature not only gives you the physical body you desire, but gives you inner radiance and strength.

*Creative Visualization, Shakti Gawain and Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

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