Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What is MSG? Is it making me fat?

Most processed foods and fast food places contain Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). What do processed foods and fast food have in common? Obese or over-weight consumers! MSG is a food additive used to enhance the flavor of foods. 

What does MSG do to the body?  Many believe MSG is addictive. MSG is like a drug that makes you hungry, crave more, and fat. 'Betcha can't eat just one', takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is concerned! MSG may be linked to obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, autism, ADHD, and neurodegenerative brain diseases. “A recent study in China shows a positive correlation between MSG and obesity, regardless of caloric intake or exercise.  Also, here is a flow chart linking MSG, casein and vaccines to autism:

MSG was discovered by Japan; In Japan MSG is called ‘Ajinomoto,” which means the “essence of taste”.  It was marketed strictly for the purpose of enhancing flavors. It is disguised under many names. The following substances contain the highest percentage of factory created free glutamate:

MSG, Gelatin, Calcium Caseinate, Monosodium glutamate, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP), Textured Protein, Monopotassium glutamate, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP), Yeast Extract, Glutamate, Autolyzed Plant Protein, Yeast food or nutrient, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Caseinate, Autolyzed Yeast, Vegetable Protein Extract, Senomyx (wheat extract labeled as artificial flavor)

The FDA allows the a variety of chemicals to be disguised under the name, “natural flavors, flavors, flavoring.” You do not know what you are consuming. REMEMBER: If MSG was not harmful, it wouldn’t be hidden. 

READ THE LABELS. And try your best to AVOID processed foods.

MSG is contained in: most barbeque sauces, salad dressings, canned foods, frozen foods, potato chips (Doritos has at four sources of free glutamate), parmesan products, chicken, sausage, croutons, some garden veggie patties, soy products, soy sauce, Lawry’s seasoning salt (very sad cause I actually liked this), casein, and the list can go on!

Most “fresh” turkeys and chickens have free glutamate solutions injected into them. Vegetarians aren't free from MSG either. Most processed vegetarian foods contain msg. Processed foods should be limited to once a week. 

It is time to start cooking and kicking processed foods to the curb before you start looking like this giraffe.  And if you are already over-weight, MSG could be a major reason. Everyone needs to start eating freshly cooked organic food. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the wonderful info. Who knew salad dressings had MSG. After reading this post, I had to check my Ranch Dressing - sure enough, it had MSG listed!!!! It definitely made it to the trash!
