Sunday, July 5, 2009

Universal Intelligence

According the the Samkhya philosophy, the universe was created out of primordial stillness. Purusha (all pervading consciousness) and Prakruti (Manifest Nature) exist in a state of equilibrium.   Purusha is the silent observer or witness. Prakruti is the spark and expression of creation (matter).  This state of stillness is disturbed by desire and this creates dynamic movement.   Purusha, the masculine quality and Prakruti, the feminine quality merge and give rise to mahat (universal intelligence).  
From this union proceeds evolution. Our existence sprouts from here. When we are fully aware of our beginning, everything is possible because we realize our capacity is not limited. We are connected to everything. Purusha is the observer and Prakruti is the observed.  In the human struggle to find moksha (liberation) we are attempting to recognize ourselves as both the observable and observer.  We think we are the observable but not the observer.  We are both.  The philosophical questions arise: Who am I? What is my purpose?  Why am I here?  What is the universe? We are both the creator and the creation. Our confusion arises because we are not fully aware of the source of creation. 
That whole explanation is to remind us that we are linked to the universal intelligence. We must focus and meditate on our goals and they will manifest.  The more we focus intently, the more our intention permeates into cosmos, and then the universal intelligence starts to connect the dots for us.  We are apart of that intelligence, and must become aware of it in order to realize our full capacity.
Dream BIG and your visions will materialize.


  1. Is this union the same as the Big Bang,
    Or what Christians refer to when they speak of God saying "I AM" and His (our) coming into being?

  2. sorry for the delay in response. I am not a consistent blogger. The Samkhya philosophy is based on the theory of natural evolution. Sankhya comes from the words san and khya. San means truth. Khya means to realize, to know, to understand. Sankya is a philosophy to know or to understand the Truth. In the Vedas, it is said that the first sound uttered was AUM, and creation sprouted. There is an intelligence in creation. Everything has a place. I believe what science calls Big Bang is creation "by chance." I do not believe creation was an accident, there was divine intent behind it. I believe God saying "I am," is very similar to God saying AUM. Many ancient religions are related because they sprouted from one another. It is interesting because AUM and I AM have almost the same syllables.

  3. There is a connection between all these ancient religions. At one point, I believe they were ONE. The Christians and Jews say Amen, the Muslims say Ameen, the Hindus say Aum. How are people from all across the globe hearing these same sounds?

  4. it's the seer seen conjunction that causes
    bondage. being liberated from what you are not
    is the teachings of samkhya. you are not manas
    you are not ahmkara you are not buddhi, in short
    you are not prakriti.
    your not the thoughts or feelings personality
    memory or dealings, you are the shining alone.
